
Alhaj. S.M. Mohamed Yousuf


Education is the underpinning for the development of any country. Our Institution “ Mohamed Sathak Polytechnic College ” has dedicated ourselves to impart education and develop the students to be a responsible engineer, obliging person to the society and superior citizen to our nation. Students of our institution are carved carefully by which the qualities of hard work, discipline and ethical practices in profession are imbibed in them constantly.

Our institution makes the students an equipped professional with an ever open and fresh mind for new thoughts in technological improvements. We are in the progress of harvesting the confident of the students which will emerge as valuable contributory assets to the development of the nation.

Hajiyani. S.M.H. Sharmila


Victory comes to those who work hard and puts continuous effort with confident. Our Institution “ Mohamed Sathak Polytechnic College ” serves in shaping futures of rural citizens of our country.

The education system in our institution instills in the minds of students, capacities of inquiry, creativity, technology, entrepreneurial and moral leadership to produce an “Autonomous Learner”. Autonomous Learner has the ability to respect authorities and be a conscientious engineer.

Students are the leaders who would work together as a “Self-organizing Network” and transform India into a developed nation in a time bound manner.

Alhaj. P.R.L. Hamid Ibrahim

Executive Director

We at Mohamed Sathak Polytechnic College that today's juvenile learner need to inculcate them in analytical orientation to understand and analyze complex real world tribulations. Our education system is anchored around this philosophy which is guided by our vision and mission.

Our aim is to equip the students with all obligatory skills by which they serve their communities and contribute to the growth and progress of the country. Also we are maintaining a close relationship with corporate to provide assistance to our students for work experience, which in-turn is creating a bridge between academics and professional world. To attain, our college has many students' bodies and clubs which provide them a platform to realize their potential and polish their talent by actively engaging in various activities.

Alhaj. S.M.A.J. Habeeb Mohamed


Do not wait, the time will never be just right, start with where you stand and work with whatever tools you may have at your command” said Nepoleon Hill. We started our mission with whatever resources we had and today, we are in the fiftieth year having our branches across Tamil Nadu.

Our vision was only to cater to the needs of the underprivileged and uplift them by providing quality education. “Education is the most powerful tool one can use to change the world”. We have taken up this weapon to empower and enlighten. We strongly believe in expanding our service and cater to the growing population. As we celebrate the Golden Jubilee, we applaud and admire the service of every member of the Sathak Family. “We must remember that one determined person can make a significant difference and that a small group of committed people can change the course of history”. We have created history and now we would like to add more pages as we go on the victory lap.